
Elisa Corona Aguilar (México, 1981) es escritora, traductora y guitarrista; hizo la licenciatura en Letras Inglesas en la UNAM y la maestría en escritura creativa en New York University, donde actualmente cursa el doctorado en música. Ganó el Premio Nacional de Ensayo Joven José Vasconcelos en 2008 y el Premio Internacional Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 2013. Ha publicado los libros Amigo o enemigo (Tierra Adentro, México, 2008), Fábulas del edificio de enfrente (Textofilia, México, 2011) Niños, niggers, muggles: sobre literatura infantil y censura (Deleátur, México, 2012) El desfile circular (CEAPE, 2013) y El Doctor Vértigo y las tentaciones del desequilibrio (La Cifra, México, 2017). Ha publicado las traducciones Las cucarachas no tienen rey, de Daniel Evan Weiss (Oceano, 2004), La moda negra: duelo, melancolía y depresión, de Darian Leader (Sexto Piso, 2011), El robo de la Mona Lisa: lo que el arte impide que veamos (Sexto Piso, 2014) y recientemente Mingus & Mingus: mi vida con el hombre furioso del jazz, de Sue Graham Mingus (La Cifra Editorial, 2020). Como guitarrista ha aparecido en CNN con su proyecto solista Sierpe and Other Stories y ha participado en proyectos internacionales como el Contemporary Guitar Ensemble (México), Robert Fripp & the Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists, Música y Letras en el Taller Latino Americano de Nueva York, el Festival Kerouac Nueva York 2017 yTilted Axes: Music for Mobile Electric Guitars. Actualmente es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte. 

Elisa Corona Aguilar (Mexico City, 1981) is a writer, translator, composer and guitarist. She was awarded with the José Vasconcelos National Prize for young writers for her first book, Friend or Foe, and the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz International Prize for her historical essay on the rides of fairs, The Circular Parade (Mexico, CEAPE, 2013). She has also published a children’s book, an essay on censorship and children’s literature, and several translations. Her most recent book is Doctor Vertigo and the Temptations of Imbalance, and her most recent published translation is Mingus & Mingus, the autobiography of Sue Graham Mingus and her life with Charles Mingus in Mexico. She has participated in international projects such as Robert Fripp and the Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists, Music for Contemplation, the Contemporary Guitar Ensemble, Música y Letras at El Taller Latinoamericano de Nueva York, and Tilted Axes: Music For Mobile Electric Guitars and the guitar duet Doble vida. As a composer and performer she has appeared on CNN with her solo project Sierpe and Other Stories, a series of compositions with electric guitar, loop, iphone, music box, poetry and spoken word in different languages. She has a B. A. on English Literature (National Autonomous University of Mexico), an MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish (NYU), and an M. Phil. in Ethnomusicology (NYU). She is pursuing her PhD in music (NYU) and she is currently a member of the prestigious National Endowment for Art Creators of Mexico (SNCA).